Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I love this weather.Just before it rains,it gets dark and cloudy,a cool breeze blowing.I love to stand around and look at others hurrying for various reasons.From my balcony,I see so many scurrying souls below.Children rushing out of the swimming pool,mothers removing all the clothes hung out on the balconies,walkers turning back home.Our apartment has loads of pigeons and I see them being buffeted by the wind,while they bravely fight it head on to get to their shelter.The eagles on the other hand are in total control.They glide better,faster and they cut the wind with efficient ease.

I love the smell of earth before it rains.For those of you,who might be remotely interested - The smell is called Geosmin caused by a group of bacteria and algae.It's so refreshing and stimulating.When the earth gets very hot and the first drop of rain falls on it,I can almost hear it let out a sizzle of heat,closing it's eyes and sighing,waiting to be quenched.I love the sound the heavier drops make when they hit the earth.How they spread out into a blob with many arms ending in tiny pear shaped drops.They form a huge bulge before they are soaked up wantonly by the parched earth and in few seconds they are gone.

I stood for so long getting soaked in the rain,so many thoughts running in my head.It was just me,the winds and the water it sprayed towards me.So cold and yet so comforting.


Yasmine Claire said...

and me wants hot.... overloaded with chocolate... chocolate steaming from a huge cup and tons an tons and tons of french fries with a jug of chilli sauce and the gym can fly.

Anushya said...

oh my god!The bloody temptation!!!go away....

Shenoy said...

The Earth Smell. The best of all the scents that a man could hope to smell. A very evocative fragrance. Ah! The memories. I always described it to people as “you know that smell when the rain hits the parched earth” and invariably they would understand. Because once you’ve smelt it, there is no way you can forget it. Geosmin is it? Thanks for bringing the name to our notice.

Even though wikipedia might say that “The smell earthy is a combination of Geosmin and Petrichor” ( it may be right, but I still think I would prefer the term Geosmin. There’s a certain poetic quality to the name.

In case you’re wondering who I am, suffice to say i came up on your blog through CatsofBanglore.

Anushya said...

hehe!You know shenoy,the picture of your cat reminds me of Hercule Poirot.I've been telling yasmine that for days now.That little black moushtache under his nose and he looks quite curious and ummm...the 'investigating sort'.

Yes,Geosmin definitely sounds more poetic than petrichor,cause that sounds something like putrid,which frankly isn't nice.

Shenoy said... that you mention it he does look curious. but did not poirot have a well...longer and upturned at the ends kind of moustache? hmmm...but then he's schrodinger's cat who could be anything you want him to.

and yes, i see you like Blake. cool.