Thursday, April 09, 2009

Marriage has given me plenty of opportunity to explore my talent in cooking. Now 'talent' it is said is a big grey area, depending on whom you talk to. Those who survived my cooking would probably give you a decent review in passing but there have been some unsuspecting victims whom I have quietly disposed off with a soup here and a starter there. They were lovely people, bless them, who unknowingly sacrificed themselves for my culinary progress. One lone, brave, warrior left standing on the burning deck whence all but him had fled would be my husband. A unique kind of gallantry he has displayed, often known to arise due to a lack of choice when pushed into a corner, burning between two fires (the one that's raging in his stomach and the other that's burning my pots).

But jokes apart (and they were jokes, I cook well!!and that's that), the last year and half saw me trying several different, simple and lovely recipes. Some became household favorites like:

1. Masala aloo mor kozhumbu: This is the regular south indian mor kozhumbu with a twist. It comes half way between the south indian recipe and the the north indian Kadi with some cinnamon and garlic thrown in.

2. Beetroot mor kozhumbu: This became popular because of the beautiful color beetroot imparts to the butter milk. A shade inbetween a salmon blushing at its partner and cotton candy that is slowly losing its fluff.

3. Sprout salad with peanuts and paneer: This recipe is my all time favorite simply because it makes a simple one dish meal and it has risen wonderfully on several occasions and rescued me when I was too lazy to cook.

4. Kurma and parota: Parota is not to be confused with the stuffed paratas of the north. It is unique in that it is made of maida and forms crispy, chewy layers. This I have found is the best dish to be eaten with kurma. Kurma or korma is a Persian-Indian dish with its roots in the Mughlai cuisine. This recipe was passed down to me by my mother and it is one of the best recipes of kurma I have ever tasted.

5. Soups: I have always loved soups and I order them as often as I can in restaurants. Lately, I have gotten to cooking soups several times a week as it is healthy and low in fat. Some of the soups I have made are Pea and lettuce, broccoli and cheddar cheese, Moroccan carrot soup, Creamy pumpkin, Mixed veg etc. I want to try Gazpacho and some soup recipes with lentils and chick pea in particular. The other day I saw this italian recipe of chickpea and porcini mushrooms on TV that really caught my interest.

6. Bread pizzas: My husband and I are addicted to it. I toast the bread and use a bruchetta topping as the base. My toppings vary each time but I love to use chargrilled capsicum and eggplants, olives, capers and corn kernels.

7. My husband gifted me several cookery books by Kurma Dasa of ISKCON and I personally feel each and every one of those recipes is a treasure. I have tried several of them and they all taste wonderful considering none of the recipes include onion or garlic. My favorite salad from the book is the mixed bean salad with jalapenoes.

8. Good old Onion sambar and beans poriyal: I used to dabble in cooking even before my marriage and I could cook most recipes reasonably well. But sambar and rasam were my nemesis. I can now confidently say that I make good, aromatic,tasty sambar and all that credit goes to my husband who taught me how to make one in the very first week following our wedding. His recipe was simple and friendly and banished all the fears I had of cooking sambar forever.

9. Egg roll/Paneer rolls: This started out as a snack, then graduated to picnic ot travel food. I found the drive from Canberra to Sydney extremely boring and monotonous. A couple of good rolls, some cookies and fruit juice changed the entire outlook of the drive. Today, I make egg rolls very often for any meal and we love it.

10. Mushroom risotto: Well I haven't made this too often but I made it just like how it tasted in typical Italian restaurants and I am proud of that.

......and the rest.Who am I kidding? My husband and I enjoy food and different cuisines. We love to experiment and find new favorites every other week. To jot down just a few would be very unfair on the rest. There are very very few restaurants in Canberra that we haven't set and when we get bored we don't mind travelling to taste new cuisines.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Random verses III

Theme parties for children have become a fad nowadays. Or maybe they were there since before my time too but I feel they were never so popular with middle class families. Especially the South Indian middle class. We just wore new clothes, went to the temple and prayed. As my friend is planning a "Princess party" for her kid who is turning a year old, I now realise how much time, energy, creativity and money goes into it. But it is all great fun to do and whether the kids even realise it's their party or not becomes secondary, the adults have a good time.

I thought it would be nice if the party invite was a poem and so I penned this one down. Whether my friend uses it or not, I am quite proud of it. It's really very simple and generic.

Here ye you fine folks of my land,
this is a royal decree, my command.
A party is planned, it's coming our way
to celebrate my awaited First Birthday.
To my splendorous castle you are all invited,
for on the .....of May, it has been dated.
An evening filled with laughter and fun,
bring your partners, daughters and sons.
Close your shops, pack your hens,
stop all work and just cap your pens.
It isn't every year that a princess turns ONE,
we must celebrate and the mood has begun.
Follow the light of the northern star,
then turn right or you would go too far.
Yonder the fields, the castle stands proud,
but if you are lost..then just shout out.
For those of you who can't find your way,
here is the address in full display!!

Imagine this poem written in ink, calligraphy style on a piece of parchment. That would set the stage for a fairy-tale.

Random verses II

For those of you who follow my blog like a leopard, Random Verses will give you the introduction you seek.

A day before this Valentine's day, my husband sent me a forward of some smart alek who wrote a mean but a very funny poem on women.

It goes like this:

My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:

Marrying you screwed up my life.
I see your face when I am dreaming.

That's why I always wake up screaming.
Kind, intelligent, loving and hot;

This describes everything you're not.
Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss,

But I only slept with you 'cause I was pissed.
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.

But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead,the sugar bowl's empty, and so is your head.
I want to feel your sweet embrace;

But don't take that paper bag off your face.
I love your smile, your face, and your eyes

--Damn, I'm good at telling lies!
Darling, my love, you take my breath away.

What have you stepped in, to stink this way?
My feelings for you no words can tell,

Except for maybe "Go to hell."
What inspired this amorous rhyme?

Two parts vodka, one part lime.

Now through all the laughter, it riled up the feminist side of me and as I just can't take a man belittling a woman (vodka induced or not), I had to squelch this attitude and came up with a little verse of my own.

From all the brave girls on their brave guys.

Welcome to the real world you silly men who assume,
That we women want fancy gifts and you men to swoon,

Who wants to be reminded once every year,
Of what big pricks you men are, it brings us close to tears,

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away,
But what on earth would keep you monsters at bay,

We would love to gift you men a sports car of your choice,
Just make sure you drive far far away and let us rejoice,

The day we met you, you seemed sensitive and kind,
But now after a closer look, we women must have been blind,

Good looks, great car, a penthouse or lots of money,
I wish you had at least quarter this list, my poor honey!

Alas! We still married you because we thought,
We could make something out of you, a fallen horse trot,

Roses maybe red and violets could be blue,
But don't be so pretentious, all these have got nothing to do with you,

I think all women are great, beautiful and smart,
We don't need any affirmations from you retards,

So on this valentine may all you brave men,
Take a huge rain check and truly thank god that you still have your women!

Random verses

In the past one year, I have had several opportunities to express my prowess in amateur poetry. Most of these poems evolved as a reply to my husband's mail. When I say poem, it is more like an extended limerick. A few of my tolerant and loyal audience got to read it and have since then maintained that I should publish these on my blog. I haven't found too much time or the inclination to write much anyways and ergo decided to fill this month's quota of blogging with some poetry.

It was my first true winter last year and I was taken completely unawares. The cold hit me hard and ruthlessly and I lay like a beaten animal, forced into hibernation. My poor husband suffered my state of inactivity for those four months and one day dripping with guilt but not being in a state to do anything else, I wrote him this poem.

Life said:
Poor old kailash left home today,
penniless and hungry all the way,
he sulked and he fumed at his plight,
how dare his wife keep snoring inspite.

She never wakes up on time for him,
hardly cooks or goes to the gym,
what on earth does she do all day?
wondered kailash in great dismay!!

Kailash said:
There is so much work to do
she could vacuum the house or shine a shoe,
the vessels pile on the kitchen sink,
but when i ask, all she does is blink and blink.

She never gives me money when I ask,
I've had enough! I will take her to task!!
she keeps shopping and spending all the time
but when I want some, there is never a dime.

Enough is enough, I am through,
I have had it with this wicked shrew,
I won't stand this lazy sloth any more,
I will send her back across three shores.

Oh! but what will I do when she is gone?
Who will love me and and keep me warm?
I will miss her so much that I would cry,
I think it's better if I give it another try.

I know when I am home tonight,
it will be a cosy and pleasant sight,
to have the house sparkling clean,
warm delicious food ready to eat,
I love my wife no matter what,
even if she is a lazy snoozing sloth,
she will definitely make it up to me,

Life said again:
It will be worth it in the end, you'll see!!

Anushya said:
Sorry Kailash for this morning's state
it is just today and not your fate,
the cold has gripped me hard and strong,
my body refuses to move, there is something wrong!!

I tried to wake up and cook for you
I tried very hard...but what to do :-(
the warmth of the blanket lulled me in,
and I nestled in too warm to even care or think.

I hope you are not too angry with me,
I hope you have forgiven and let it be,
tonight's feast will be good on your tummy,
food that it hot and really very yummy.

Then Life said in the end:
What is to ever keep them apart?
surely not some silly morning start,
they love each other so very much
that they will kiss and truly make up.

.................To be continued.