Saturday, April 29, 2006


Some wounds I feel are too deep to ever heal. They are caused by breach of strong barriers of love, trust or faith. Time and space do nothing to balm them. They keep festering and they infect happiness and peace of mind. You keep pretending it’s not there but life has changed because of it. You try to keep it at bay so you can function normally but with each attempt it advances, gets taller and taller, until one day like a tidal wave nothing would hold it back. What if it engulfed me someday? How do I fight something so painful yet so strong?


Anonymous said...

Hey, stop sounding and being so miserable. Its beginning to sound ridiculous! Seriously, think of those less fortunate people on the streets who don't even have time to crib abt their problems, because they are starving to death. Your problems (whatever they are) will pale in comparison. Get the point?

Yasmine Claire said...

Remember always....nothing can change the love you have to one can take that away from you.

Hey! is just waiting to happen to you....

Anushya said...

Karthik - There is no need for you to be so mean.You jolly well know what problems I am going through.Its not always that easy.Like I said I am trying.

Yasmine - Thats a lovely thought :-)

Finny Forever said...

hey looking at the blazing sunshine, be blinded. I somehow think a poor memory serves well.

Anushya said...

Finny - "I somehow think a poor memory serves well. " Yes I sometimes wish I were a goldfish ;-) oh! and Karthik,no smart comments here please!!