Sunday, March 19, 2006

This is our war

A friend of mine once wrote this poem when she was going through a difficult phase of her life.Back then when I read it,it seemed powerful and moving but I could never empathise with it or her.Today when I read it again as I am crossing those same roads I realise how well she's written it and I experience every single emotion behind it.

here goes....

I watched my hopes crumble into
Ashes and dust
Brooded over old spectral joys and unbidden ghosts
Drained the bitter dregs of defeat.

But in the final analysis -
I was equal to the challenge, you weren't;
I tossed my hat in the ring - you played safe,
I lived the truth in each moment of agony and ecstacy
You were impeccably insulated.

I found what I wanted, I chased it;
You were casually insular.
I went the whole nine yards...
With your hand on the doorknob, you died outside.

I risked it unarmed and vulnerable; but you hid, in full armour,
I fought dragons I thought could eat me up
You sat on the couch and watched movies
I inched myself out on cliffsides to bring home my belief,
You sat snug on a chair and ate chocolate mousse.

I flew low over destruction, on perilous wings of hope,
And you buckled into seatbelts, put up safety nets for yourself
I hurled myself into the unknown
You refused to look over the edge.

I laid all my cards on the table
You had an emergency ace up your sleeve...
I was a no-holds-barred daredevil
You were a once-bitten-twice-shy recluse.

I was staring straight into the eye of the storm
whileYou closed your eyes and hoped it would fade away...
I was out in the cold, naked and unbound;
You stayed where you were, sheltered and contained.

I am shattered and vanquished, yet whole
You are triumphant and healthy, yet dead.
What it all comes down to is thatI took the high - you took the low.

The final verdict is carved in stone:
I win - you lose.

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