Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sometimes I want to take out all the anger in me,put it in a huge bag and dunk it into a large drum of water.I want to hear it sizzle violently and finally die down,then feel that peace seep into me.

Sometimes there seems no respite from the memories of unfair and unhappy times.They keep roiling every now and then,furious and disturbing.

Sometimes it is very hard to forgive and forget,especially those who have hurt you unnecessarily.To let go and never look back.It's amazing how certain people walk on, after they have shaken the dust off,as if they never fell.

Sometimes I want to close my eyes and find when I open them that everything is the way I want it to be..... untangled and beautiful.

1 comment:

Yasmine Claire said...

beautiful dreamer,
wake on to see,
starlight and dew drop
are waiting for thee!