Friday, November 23, 2007

And then...

My life has gone through so much change in the last 2 months. For one thing, it changed it's hemisphere. As if that isn't big enough by itself!

I thought I would record every moment of my life and write about it. Funny narratives, happy narratives, exciting narratives etc etc. But life is just whizzing by and I don't know where to start or how much to write or how to best express experiences that would never be contained in words, least of all a blog entry. Then I thought I'd just put up some photos with elaborate captions but even that would make it pointless to anyone who is wasting their time reading this blog and trying to get a drift of my life over these two months.

So I hell with the stories and the choronological crap. I'll say what I want to say.

1. Woe betide a person whose name starts with an "a" in Australia. It will invariably get spelt with an "e". You can labour over your British "Aaaiiii" for hours but to the Aussies it sounds nothing better than an "Eeeeiiii". Sigh! I am almost relearning my vowels here.

2. If you have lived in a country where the roads and street names are Vittal Mallya road or Sheshadipuram or Eijipura orBypanahalli it feels very strange to suddenly pronounce words such as Tuggeranong or Amaroo or Belconnen! You miss the hard sounds.

3. Kangaroos, kangaroos and more kangaroos. They are delightful animals. I used to think they were more lighter brownish in colour, but someone really smart around me told me that these guys are lighter too but they haven't had a bath in a while and their coats have become dirty. Oh! well, even that's a cute explanation.

4. Grocery shopping feels like going on a picnic. There are endless things to see, endless plus one things to buy. I think it would take anyone on an average over a year to just get over the bonanza of colors in a grocery store.

5. India prides itself on Amul, Krishna's butter stealing stories, rich milk and curds and yet why is that we haven't gotten past the simple badam milk or rose lassi or the good old chaas?! Passion fruit and pecan yogurt??? Did these guys get innovative or what? I believe these guys would make yogurt out of anything even if there is no milk to start with.

6. Sydney I found was nice, commercial and crowded spaning pricey Victoria malls to cheap China town. I didn't spend too much time there but I think I prefer Canberra. It's more beauiful, nascent, laid back, everyone's scaringly nice and the silence just spreads like a soothing balm. I love all the little lakes it has.

7. The sun sleeps late here. 8'o clock feels like 5 in the evening in India. I don't know if I should be cooking dinner or munching on some tea time snacks then. And sunset is quite theaterical everyday with all the show of colors glittering everywhere. I am sure lots can be written about the morning skies too but I am seldom awake to know much about it. The southern skies are simply poetic though.

8. I have been eating so many different kinds of food ever since I got here. Turkish, Italian, Thai, Chinese or just good old fattening food..yum yum yum. Most vegetarian food outside India seems like diet food. Lettuce leaves and Zuccini and carrots and if they cook it, they would only take it as far as steaming. :-) The pita wraps, the Turkish pide's, the elegant pastas, everything feels healthy to eat. I love it here. Oh! I almost forgot. Right down my building in an asian store they sell sugarcane juice that tastes just as good as those road side juices in India. I am keenly on the lookout of a pani puri stall and what do you know, I might find that too here someday.

9. It's a different life, a different world, different people but the same smiles, the same emotions, the same kindness, the almost same dominoes pizza (trust me on that) and therefore a whole new exciting phase.

10. Maybe it's too personal to say so but I think my husband is the best. See, beyond this I am scared to communicate what I feel lest it turns out like some soppy hallmark card. I hope the superlative suffices.

More later....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

:-) Right now life feels beautiful,
Every blink of the eye, paradise,
Every moment precious and fulfilling,
Every feeling cherished...

To the reason behind this, cheers!