Friday, June 08, 2007

Running nose and Brave battles

Being bogged down by a cold is inconvenient at any point but now when the weather is so brilliant and one wishes to spend time outside, harboring some low-life viruses doesn't particularly excite me.Especially when they come uninvited!Not that one would ever invite them in the right senses, even so their lack of appropriate timing is very annoying.

You get up one morning and realise you have to play host to god knows how many famlies of these vile viruses.They sneak in past barriers and lodge themselves comfortably in your lungs and before you know it a wild raucous party has begun!!I woke up this morning feeling horrible and weak.A running nose that would embarrass you if you tilted your head even at a mere 15 degree angle.Sweaty, restless and an irritable feeling.I have been in bed sulking while the mountain of tissues threatens to bury me under.I feel hungry yet I can't stand the thought of food, I sweat but I freeze when I switch the fan on.My running nose has herein qualified me as the human niagra and yet I feel sun dried and stretched and uncomfortable.

What I need right now is some hot peppery potent kashayam that amma makes that would burn my tongue, sooth my throat, give my nose a rest and issue copius amount of smoke from my ears.I also wouldn't mind some occasional pampering and some extra care :)

I admire by body's defences though.I haven't taken a pill so far and my body has been on the job since morning fighting a territorial battle.It has it's message clear.
Occupants:Either Oxygen or Carbon dioxide
Tresspassers:Anything besides the O2 and CO2.
Action:Complete distruction and a word or two of warning before that (I assume so, as I always consider all of me as very civil)

I hate going through a cold.Fevers are much better.They make you drowsy and you can atleast sleep them off.But colds make you restless and fidgety, dry and irritable and the whole day seems wasted sulking and sweating.And there is nothing one can do about it.It takes 7 days to win the battle and 7 days it will be with or without medicines.So for all practical purposes I have my week chartered out for me.