Friday, September 22, 2006

Ok,so this one really made me laugh a lot.

"Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, and I'll forgive Thy great big joke on me." -- Robert Frost

Monday, September 18, 2006

Krishna Janmashtami

This is what I was busy doing on Krishna Janmashtami.These rangolis are made by dissolving rice flour in water and then soaking a small piece of cotton in the fluid and drawing the various designs.It is brighter than those done with powders also they stay longer.Traditionally, on Janmashtami tiny feet are drawn from the doorstep uptil the puja room to symbolically depict baby Krishna walking into the house and blessing everyone.The 3rd picture shows a pair of feet inside a radiant circle.My idea was that a little baby can't walk all that distance in one stretch,so he stops for a rest and as he stands with his hands on his tiny hips,the radiance spreads around our house while he stands and looks around. :-)

Krishna is my favorite god.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Certain memories are precious. They should be archived and revisited often. Sometimes children are so naive yet so funny. My mother and I were talking the other day about pregnanacy and children and she had a great story to tell.

The day she was leaving for the hospital to deliver me, she was packing some assorted clothes and napkins into a bag.My brother who was 3 years old was apparently lurking around the house, peering at her with curiosity through big round spectacles. He asked her where she was taking all those clothes. My mom said that she was going to the hospital and that in exchange of those clothes she would get a baby back.To a 3 year old, it was very convincing and sound logic.I was born in the peak of winter.Naturally I cried a lot because it was cold and uncomfortable. My brother I believe walked up to me on the second say, looked very intently from the bawling baby to its mother and then told amma in a serious and sincere tone......" I think it's better if you get those old clothes back. Apparently this baby isn't worth it,it's making too much noise".lolol!

Then was this time when I was really young when my family and I went to a birthday party and needless to say they had to hold me back in chains to prevent me from pouncing on the birthday cake.We finally got to eating all that great food and I was hoping for a second helping but my mother was darting stern,forbiding glances from the other end of the room.When that aunty offered me another huge slice of the cake,I shook my head and said very loudly and earnestly..... "all this generosity is very fine aunty but you see,my mother is making different kinds of face at me from the other end of the room and so I can't eat anymore.She'll scold me when I get back home". Can you imagine the embarrassment my mother must have gone through?And I am very sure somewhere my brother must have been mumbling with his mouth stuffed with cake that he was right about getting back those old clothes.

Children are so lovely sometimes.They say what they think,they have no filters and they are simply hilarious without knowing it.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sometimes I want to take out all the anger in me,put it in a huge bag and dunk it into a large drum of water.I want to hear it sizzle violently and finally die down,then feel that peace seep into me.

Sometimes there seems no respite from the memories of unfair and unhappy times.They keep roiling every now and then,furious and disturbing.

Sometimes it is very hard to forgive and forget,especially those who have hurt you unnecessarily.To let go and never look back.It's amazing how certain people walk on, after they have shaken the dust off,as if they never fell.

Sometimes I want to close my eyes and find when I open them that everything is the way I want it to be..... untangled and beautiful.